Are We Playing Against The Spirit Realm?
A theory on the current situation in the World

Lately, I’ve been upping my spiritual game and have been reading a lot on the topic, specifically what happens after we die.
In short this is what the books have to say: After we die we are taken to a resting place (where our spirits rejuvenate), then we are required to recall our life and share the lessons that we have learnt (as according to most of the books, we are sent here on Earth to learn), then we move on to the spirit realm to be reunited with our loved ones (or whatever), until we‘re ready to come back again to learn our next lesson.
This got me thinking about a particular group of people who serve absolutely no purpose, are morally bankrupt and take up unnecessary space — Politicians. If everything was so organized — what reason could they have to exist? Why would somebody choose that life?
Here’s my theory
The system going through a complete reset.
We were sent here to create a beautiful loving planet, but somewhere in the code an error occurred. The system deviated from its actual path. And instead of fixing the code, the higher-ups have decided to scrap the OS and salvage whatever is left of it.
Anybody who‘s worked with large sets of data would agree that it is far easier to group data — based on a particular attribute — and then filter it out, rather then sort through it one by one. Why bother with a person’s entire life history and personality data, when you could simply create a profession so dirty that it would only attract the worst.
Once there are enough fish caught in the net — they pull us out of the system, rinse and repeat. The souls with the buggy code get purged in the Afterlife, and the remaining get to stay (or sent back).