How Routine Kills Creativity
“Creativity is connecting knowledge bits that might seem unrelated”
While some might not realize it, most of our days are extremely monotonous and we almost everyday follow the same routine.
We leave for college around the same time, take the same stairs from our rooms to the entrance, take an auto, take a U-turn from under the flyover and go to college. Spend some time there, take the same route back, get to back our rooms, rest, go to the mess, and then start work/chill till the next morning. While it might vary in some cases, its mostly the same.
So how does this kill creativity?

Your thoughts, your ideas what are they? They are basically neurons in your brain firing up in a particular sequence. There are two aspects to this; recollection, which would imply firing up of an existing network and creation, which implies new neural networks being formed.
A new experience, involves new neural pathways to be added to existing ones. Hence, rewiring the brain.
Doing a particular task repeatedly, just makes that particular neural network stronger and stronger. That’s what happens when you follow a routine. Your brain get ‘wired’ to thinking in a certain way.
Even though tiny details of your day might vary. Its the broader routine that shapes the way you think and limits your creativity.
So the next time you start your day, keep that in mind, mix things up, and make everyday a new experience…. else you’re DOOMED!!